With Dakota Charms! Do you want me? You can't get over my green eyes and sexy body. Pull out your cock and touch yourself. You want to grab my ass and I pull down my yoga pants so you can see my thong. Stroke your cock and make me hot. Ass smacking my booty, I want you to masturbate harder. Think about how you want to be fucking and pleasing me. I'm wet for you and my pussy is ready to cum for you. Orgasm all over my face. Jerk it hard for me and give me what I want because I am a naughty girl. Give it to me. It makes me so happy to lick your cum off my face. OTHER KEYWORDS- masturbation encouragement, masturbation instruction, jerk off encouragement, jerk off instruction, joi, dirty talk, cock tease, goddess worship, cum worship, teasing goddess, t-shirt and panties, t-shirt & panties, body worship, brunettes, non-nude, instructional, encouragement #JerkOffInstruction #JOI #GoddessWorship #CockTease #BodyWorship @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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