With Dakota Charms! Please let me go to the bathroom because it's hard to hold in. Clenching my butt cheeks in these yoga pants is difficult and I really need to go to the restroom. My ass cheeks are clenched tightly. I want to relieve myself in a toilet and not ruin these leggings. I'm prairie dogging. This turtle head is about to explode and I don't know if my butt cheeks are strong enough. Maybe a finger in my asshole will help push it back in? Ass wiggling doesn't help, but I try everything. My green eyes bulge and I'm so embarrassed and humiliated. It smells so bad and I really want to clean myself! OTHER KEYWORDS- desperation, female desperation, toilet fetish, toilet slavery, toilet humiliation, struggling, embarrassment, humiliation, yoga pants, spandex, ass fetish, ass humiliation, brunettes, non-nude #ToiletFetish #ToiletHumiliation #ToiletSlavery #Humiliation #AssFetish @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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