You've worked hard all week long, saving every last penny you have, and it's all going to pay off tonight... for Alpha and I. We are going to take your hard earned money and spend it on us, simply because we can. Simply because we LOVE to break cucks like you. Simply... because it's simple! Here's how it works: any time we are out doing a cuck funded activity, such as going on a date, you're going to stay home and watch a clip of my choosing on repeat the entire time we are out. This could easily carry on into the next morning, especially if we get a hotel. It will get to the point where you memorize every movement, every word, and every breath in the clip, all while imagining the fun he and I are having together. Sound like a good time? Of course it does. Buy this clip AND pay for our next date night. It's the right things to do.
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