With Dakota Charms! Hey Becky (implied), your gag is off and I always have rope handy to make sure you can't escape. Open up for a pair of dirty panties as mouthpacking. Let's do double gagging so nobody can hear you screaming. you are hard, so I give a virtual handjob while you are bound. you can't stop us from jacking you off. Fucking cum for us. That was easy, but now there is a mess. While Becky gets a towel, I plan on tying her up and pantygagging her before finger fucking her. She should get some of my bitchiness too! I'm not going to let her out. OTHER KEYWORDS- female domination, femdom, femdom pov, fantasies, fantasy, role playing, roleplaying, BDSM instruction, pov gags, pov bondage, pov male bondage, cock tease, dirty talk, brat girls, brunettes, all natural, non-nude, #FemaleDomination #Femdom #FemdomPOV #BDSMInstruction #BratGirls @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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