It’s just so cute. It’s like you have an extra belly button. Aww does that hurt your feelings? Go ahead and cry loser. I would cry too if I had an itty bitty shrimp like that. It must suck to know that no woman will ever want you. You love that I taunt you and tease you with my perfect body that you will never have a chance in hell of touching. You’re so weak. You just can’t resist when a bratty Goddess humiliates you. It’s been happening to you since you were young. All the pretty girls in school would mock you and call you a loser. To make it worse, you’ve proven them all right haha. You have only one thing going for you. Only one thing that you have that could ever earn you attention from me. Your hard earned loser cash. It won’t change the fact that you will be a virgin for the rest of your life but you’ll take what you can get. Even if that’s just being mocked by a beautiful woman completely out of your league.
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