I went over to my girlfriends house for my daily massage from her hot mom. we had been having some really naughty fun at the end of our massage session so i couldn't wait to get on that table! once she had me flip on my back i was naked with my dick pointing straight up. she smilled and asked if i wanted her to help me with my erection, i said hell yeah. she was about to suck me off when she stopped, smiled and said she wanted to enjoy herself too. she stripped down to her bra and panties and stared sucking my dick. after a few minutes she took her panties off and told me to fuck her!! i get massages from my girlfriends hot mom and fuck her brains out all the time now! This is part 5 of Massage From My Girlfriends Hot Mom, this series stars Christina Sapphire. This is a POV Milf Cheating Massage Deepthroat Blowjob Hardcore Creampie Sex Scene.
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