Oh honey! What are you doing home? I'm so glad you're here. Your dad went to work and I'm sick. He told me to just rest it off, but I can't stop thinking about... well... I just can't stop thinking. Remember how I take care of you when I'm sick? Well I'm totally pulling that card today, honey, will you take care of Mommy? What can you do? Hmm well whenever I'm sick... your dad, he... well... nevermind! Omg I can't. What, honey? Aw you're so sweet, you'd do anything for your mother wouldn't you? Well, there's something that REALLY cures me when I'm sick. *Pulls panties to the side* Just your tongue, honey, that's all. It's okay we aren't really having sex, it's just oral. Mmm honey, you're the best! This is so amazing. I have to admit, I can never just cum with oral, I need your cock, son. You want mommy to feel better right? *Coughs* Mmm yes, fuck Mommy's pussy.
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