Dustin Steele tells Toby Springs he brought over a special gift for him...and Toby is excited. Toby apologizes for his Ex bothering them so much, and Dustin tells him not to worry. Dustin hands Toby a tiny box and tells him to look inside. Dustin shrank Toby's Ex-Boyfriend, turning him into a tiny little human they can harass. Dustin steps on him with his bare feet as Toby mocks him and tells him Dustin is more of a man than he is. Dustin and Toby have fun with Toby's Ex... sitting on him and rubbing their balls and cocks all over him. Toby even strokes Dustin's cock until he cums all over his Ex-Boyfriend...covering his tiny body with his cum. (Interested in commissioning a custom clip with Dustin or Toby? Email us today.)
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