I'm laying in bed on my stomach in just a red g-string, and I feel something moving in my ass. I know what is, and I'm annoyed. She should have been gone by now. I tell her to stop moving, but she persists on trying to get out of my tight, powerful asshole. I decide to punish her, and start pushing and clenching my hole up close to try to get her out. Now she's playing hard to get?! Her little legs emerge first, finally. I reach my fingers in and pull her out. The little bitch is still alive. She didn't pay rent, she was the worst roommate, and now this? I shrunk her to get rid of her, and now I'll have to end her for real, but first some fun and humiliation. I spit on her, then put her in a measuring cup, covering her in my piss. After a minute, a huge torrent of urine nearly drwons her, and I have some fun dunking her after letting her soak for a minute. Then I lube her up, and work her back in my tight asshole, slowly but surely inserting her whole body, now that she's almost gone anyway, she will pass away swiftly in my dark, deep hole.
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