I’m in my apartment, dressed up in riding gear :) My outfit consist of a crisp white shirt, a small black jacket, a pair of sturdy leather boots, and some lovely cream coloured jodhpurs. They aren’t fashion jodhpurs, but an authentic riding pair, very thick and heavy duty. I love riding, so I thought it would be super fun to put on my gear…especially since my bladder is full and needs emptying at any moment ;) The jodhpurs are very tight indeed, and they have extra padding around the bum, and the insides of the legs, to protect the rider when riding the And I thought it would be interesting to give them a hot wetting, to see what happens :D I spread my legs wide on the chair I’m sitting on, and then I open the floodgates. A huge wet patch immediately appears on the crotch of the jodhpurs, and their light cream colour makes it very clear and noticeable indeed :) The release seeps through them, despite their thickness, and a huge puddle forms on the seat of the chair. I use my pelvic muscles to expertly control the speed of my release, and I go slower towards the end to stop the puddle from spilling over the edge of the chair! When I’m finally empty, I lift up my legs, and then with a surge of pleasure, I slap them down onto the chair, causing the liquid to burst over the rim, and splash loudly onto the wooden floor :D I stand up to show off how drenched the jodhpurs are, and the pattern of the wet stains really is interesting :) But I think they perhaps could get even wetter, and so I cheekily get down onto the floor to slosh around in the dampness. It just goes to show that you don’t actually need to go riding to enjoy the outfit ;)
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