Mandy Marx We can do this however you want to do it. I have one boy that's really into written contracts. Every week he sends me $500 and at the end of the week I send him back $450. He's three months into a one year contract. He's the one who wanted it that way. The only catch is that he has to submit the next deposit before I send him back his money. That way he can't back out. It's like a cute little ponzi scheme. But this one is legal. It's a little confusing, you might get lost in it, but I won't. Every week the amount gets a little bit bigger. But if installments aren't your thing, we can figure out a lump sum situation. Say two thirds of your life savings, your entire bank account? You deposit into my bank and I'll hold on to it. It's very safe with me. And then in a week or a month or quarterly, I'll release part of it back to you. But before I do, you're going to go to bed every night, next to your wife, thinking and wondering how it's being used. You're going to think about how it feels. You're going to wonder who knows it's there and if I'm going to send it back. What a rush... I will, eventually, and I'll send back ninety five percent of it. You can trust me, this is what I do. But no matter how much you do trust me, there's always that wrinkle of fear. A wrinkle you will constantly jerk off to. There will be doubt moving through your morning commute. You mind will wander. You'll constantly be thinking, 'She has it'. At work, with your friends, with your wife. And you will check your bank account, it's a normal thing people do daily. But every time you do, you'll realize, 'She has it'. You'll check it over and over and over again. Obsessing. 'She's holding my money'. You can just enjoy this as a fantasy of this clip that you just bought. That you'll watch again and again. Until your mind is out of control. Until your entire bank account is out of control. But if you did really want to do this. I'm very trustworthy. You'll love sending it to a random goddess on the internet. I'll take five percent, that's a reasonable management fee. It gets more interesting every week. You know how I play this game. I play mind games, you'll keep coming back to this video, it will haunt you. You know I'm around, you know I check my emails. You check for my new updates to make sure I'm still around. You want to play this game with me. Is there anyone else you'd rather trust with serious information, serious power with serious stakes? Is there another Goddess you could trust to do this with? Is there another person that you would want to have that power over you. Forget how cute I look. Under my foot, under my lock and key, under my control. I will send you out of control, your mind will be confused and lost and scared. But you can trust me, or can you? Imagine that you have a bank account that you've slowly been saving over time. Maybe it's twenty thousand, fifty, one hundred, even more. Working hard to save it. And you log into your bank account and transfer it all to me. Imagine the rush of sending tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even more. Big boys know how to play with even bigger zeros. Trusting me but scared. Not knowing. Imagine sending through the wire transfer and having your banker do a double take and ask you if you're sure. Imagine how fast your hand would rush to your cock that night. You'd be hard before you left the bank. You'd rush home. You'd probably start touching it in the car. Is this what you're chasing? A real sober decision you had to plan for, you had to walk out of the house for. For a true Goddess. You're really out of control, but in the safest way. With me. Maybe I'll make you hand deliver the cashier's check. Wouldn't that be fun? How out of control would you feel? 'What have I done?' You would repeat this over and over again as you find that you can't stop jerking.
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