Hey loser, do you see our huge tits. Get on your knees. You belong right there under our huge tits. I'm glad you just got off work because you need to pay us for this amazing view of our huge bouncy tits. Get your cock and wallet out. Head up and look right here. These huge tits bouncing and shaking in your face? We're going to lotion them up while we take all of your money. Don't they look bouncing in your face and covered in lotion. Now have your wallet in 1 hand and stroke your cock with the other. Stare right here in the middle. Now that we have all of your cash, we want your debit and credit cards. Look right here at these huge tits bouncing. They control your mind and you do as we say. You think it's too much to give us your credit cards? What did you say? Talking back gets you a huge milk filled tit in your mouth (Roxanne takes 1 boob out) Oh you can't breathe. We don't care that you can't breathe, hand that credit card over, Good boy, (put your boob back in for cleavage) Now because we've completely drained your wallet it's time for you to cum, were going to have some fun with you. We're going to countdown from 10 to 0 and when we get to 0 you're going to blow the biggest load of your life. We want you to drain your cock just like we drained your wallet, but you will cum when WE say. All those muscles and you're a weak man controlled by our tits. Now Stroke it, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,.......0 let it all out. That was a huge load, don't come back unless you bring your life savings, and we may let you cum on our huge tits.
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