I’m about to have a shower…with a twist ;) I’m wearing a tight fitting pink dress, my shapely legs and my cute little feet are bare, and underneath my dress is something else that’s very tight…a lovely Tena Slip Maxi :D As I stand in the shower cubicle, I cheekily hitch up my dress to reveal my crinkly Tena Slip Maxi, and I can’t resist running my fingers over the beautiful crackling plastic. I pick up the shower head and turn on water…and as for the twist? Well, I’m going to leave my dress on and let it get drenched :D First, I hold the shower head over my legs, so that the water runs down them and onto my cute little toes. The bottom of my dress is now nice and wet, and I slowly raise the shower head higher and higher so that before long one entire half of my dress is soaked! The dress is clinging to my skin, and it’s so wet that if you look closely you can actually see my Tena Slip Maxi through the pink material! Then I wet all my dress, before lifting it up so that I can soak my Tena Slip Maxi directly. And I’m delighted to note that the Tena Slip Maxi is absorbing the water, so that it’s growing in size and starting to swell :D It just goes to show that you don’t need to take clothes off to enjoy a fun shower :)
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