There's nothing better than the high of watching someone bound and helpless burst into painful, terrified laughter over and over again! Their anxious energy right at our sadistic, little fingertips. Aspasia and I soak up every swell of pain, laughing sadistically in response. Tickling has recently become a favourite form of turture for me because it's just so, delightfully, confusing combination for the submissive, combining pain with laughter in a delerious swirl. The anticipation builds, bursting into the most amazing, hysterical energy before dwindling back into a moment of quiet, an anxiety filled chance for him to catch his staggered breath. Aspasia's got this guys ticket, I follow her lead as she terrorizes every one of his sensitive nerves, first sussing them out, running her hands slowly over his many vulnerable spots until she finds it - the next spot up for a tickle attack. A smile slowly spreads across her face as our subby starts panicking and next thing you know, we're all hysterically laughing, her & I with glee - him with automated, scared laughs of suffering. It's funny how easy it is to convince these non-tickle subs to suffer for us, particularly considering how much they cry once we've got them bound ;)
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