LustyBustyLark talking candidly about her current mental health! <3 larknation69 | Mental Health | Interview | SFW | Safe for Work | Behind the Scenes | Confessions |
I know this is probably strange coming from some random username on the Internet, but, if you wanna chat privately anytime I'd be happy to just listen. I just got out of the hospital yesterday to come back to someone I cared about leaving me, so I really feel for your situation. Feel better please.
:( So sorry to hear all of this... wishing you all the best and hoping for bigger things in 2020 for you. You're beautiful and deserve all the best. My god does your little duster ever love you based on the way they're looking at you. :D I'm in Canada and would be happy to email back and forth (nothing sexual) if you just want to talk to someone who has been through the same situation.
Miss beautiful Lark. I’m so sorry you’re going through so much at once. It’s tough, but I know you’re tougher !! I know we’re the entire country away from each other but I’m here if you need someone. I may seem a bit aloof at times. That’s my own depression getting the better of me. I’m always here if you need someone ❤️