PRINCESS NIKKI AND HER SISTER PRINCESS KIRA PLAY THE SPANKING GAME PRINCESS NIKKI WINS....SO SHE GETS TO MILK THE SLAVE WHILE PRINCESS KIRA SHOVES HER FEET IN HIS FACE!! Dear Diary, Princess Nikki and I are bored...so we decide to play The Spanking Game. Here are the rules....each Princess rolls the pink Princess dice....and gets to spank the slave as many times as the dice say. We each pick an ass cheek to hit. At the end of the game...whoever has inflicted the most damage on the slave's ass, gets to milk him....while the other Princess makes him smell and lick her feet. Princess Nikki won the game...so she got to pull the boy goo out of him, while I made him worship my feet. He was very loud...and made a big mess....so Princess Nikki shoved it all down his throat and made him eat it! Princess Kira
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