I can make you cry with just a few word, but for all intents and purposes ‘I’m nice’ and ‘cute’. I’m the girl you’d take home to your family, and when I inevitably break up with you for being a loser, your family will ask you what you did wrong and welcome Me into their arms. They’ll treat Me as kin, and shun you. Being ‘nice’ doesn’t make Me any less dominant, in fact I’d argue that makes Me more dominant! I can fuck with you head to toe in latex, and I can fuck with you in a light floral dress. I can smile at you and laugh at your jokes, then step a toe out of line and you’ll be begging for mercy. You can think Me ‘nice’ and ‘cute’, but your ass will be raw, your wallet empty, and your mind fucked by the time I’d done with you.
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