The month of love is almost over, but you know that to me..it is Valentine's day all day during February. The whole month is meant for celebrating the love, the appreciation and gratitude we feel for the ones in our life, and to spend time with someone special. Well, I know I'm the only really special person in your life..there's no secret in that! And I know that no matter if it's V-day or just another regular day in the month, the best way for you to spend it is by jerking off to me. So that's exactly what I'm gonna want you to do for me today! I even brought some cute, pink and purple balloons over for us to properly celebrate, or more like..to remind you that even my balloons get more action that you do. I'm gonna hump them the way you will never get humped by me and then pop them while I humiliate you and instruct you on how to stroke for me! Sounds fun? Who cares about your opinion, anyway! You are here solely for my entertainment, and that's exactly what you'll do - make me laugh today, the same as you do every other day of the month!
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