TERRAMIZU enters the room and pulls out a SHRUNKEN man (you) out of her pants! She places you down on the bed and begins to TEASE you about how you were unaware of her SHRINKING powers! She tells you you're going to play a little game of "Cat & Mouse", where you hide and she hunts you down! She pulls up her shirt and rubs her BELLY while getting excited at the thought of CONSUMING you! You run and hide while she counts to twenty. Terra then paces around the room looking for you, talking about how hungry she's getting. She walks past you, and her BIG FEET in COMPARISON to your SIZE is indescribable! She gets down on her hands and knees, and finally discovers your hiding spot! She coaxes you out by telling you that you can explore her outside before going in. The GIANTESS picks you up and places you on the bed. You crawl past her GIANT LEGS and BELLY! She mentions if you can hear the rumbles in her BELLY and how you'll be inside her soon. You end up at her BIG TITS. She sits up and you are dangling from her sports bra! Before you fall off, she grabs you and lets you know the fun is over. She places you over her MOUTH and SWALLOWS you whole! Terra gulps emphatically, tracing her finger down to her BELLY. She moans and lets out a BURP! She TEASES you, describing the things that will happen to you while inside her. She pokes, grabs and rubs her BELLY. Tired from the games, she lies down for a nap while you meet your end!
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