Look what I caught in my man trap today! I never know if I am gonna catch a sneaky jerk or an innocent curious wandering tiny man......and today...you appear to just be one of the curious ones. I don't always EAT my catch....yes I said EAT! Why do you think I had the trap set in the first place? *evil laughter* I am SO hungry today, luck is really not on your side. A hangry Magical Goddess like myself, NEEDS to eat. My magic is sourced from the bodies and souls of tiny men....like YOU! Yes I prefer to punish and eat the evil men, but sometimes one of the curious wanderers ends up on my plate...! I am so hungry and NEED to replenish my Goddess magic. I must feast on you. I eat you, GOBBLE you up. So tasty *burp*. With my bit of magic left, as I eat you FULL size you do shrink a BIT for Goddess to be more comfortable in the eating process. After a few burps I realize you will be a plumper, a bloater....and as my body begins to digest...ahhhh..BAM my belly expands as I let out a belch....wow, *rubs stomach* yum! As I digest you, my bloated belly grows smaller, soon....nothing visible of you is left...well! My body digests you and turns you into either fuel magic for Goddess.....OR WASTE to be flushed down the drain! After enjoying the digestion....it is time for Goddess to dispose of what didn't serve me...aka....FLUSH the rest down after going in the bathroom!
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