I'm so upset! My birthday dress is too loose from my weight loss! You're always so sweet, you bring me some cupcakes for my birthday at just the right time! You even put candles on them! We turn out the lights and I make a wish- to gain back some of the weight I lost! I blow out the candles then hand us both a cupcake. You quickly start eating, I freeze in place- you question me on what's wrong.... Well, you're growing!! Right before my very eyes you are getting fatter and fatter, your clothes tearing right off of you. Somehow- my wish came true for YOU & you gain all 100lbs that I lost! Wow! You're so big now!! As I inspect your new body, I start to get turned on... I rub my pussy talking about how much I love your fat, how much fatter I wish you'd get.... Well, maybe this wish didn't go wrong after all! Turns out, I REALLY like you fat!!!
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