I was rather disappointed in the lack of effort my minions put forth this year for my birthday. One of my fans Hector says he has a gift for me. Well Hector shows up with a cheap chocolate birthday cake. I don't like chocolate cake. Plus the i wasn't dotted & the t wasn't crossed. Plus the buttercream frosting was melting in the heat. Well I taught Hector a lesson he will NEVER EVER forget. I sat that awful cake on his loser inflatable face, crushing the fuck out of both at the same time. But drop after butt drop I just plop my fat 60 inch bubble ass down on his face & the cake over & over, the table creaking extremely loud. I wasn't sure if it would hold up under my fat ass fluffy frame. I made such a huge sticky chocolatey mess cake sitting Hectors head. The cake & frosting was stuck to the back of my pants. It slowly peeled itself away from my big ass & dropped all over the table & floor making an even bigger mess. Want to see the end result and all the fun commentary & special blooper? Must download for my weak submissive ass addicted minions. Goddess should be spoiled year round and in between. Not just on birthdays and holidays. Always go above & beyond my expectations if you want my acknowledgement & to leave a lasting impression. If you don't want this to happen to you then you better send me a cash gift by hitting that tribute button you losers all seem to have an aversion to. NEVER half ass your Goddess birthday. I am VERY hard to please. And you all know this by now, that I don't impress easily. Don't insult me with cheap half ass gifts. I'm much much better than that.... And you
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