With Dakota Charms! I'm riding in a car and my feet are on the dashboard. My toes wiggle and my wrinkles soles are dancing to the song in my head. A sudden stop makes my face dip in a creamy pie and I'm covered in whipped cream! Embarrassed and frustrated, I berate the driver who makes sudden stops so I can get wammed more. The whipping cream is in my nose and makes me sound like I have a stuffed up nose. I am so annoyed! OTHER KEYWORDS- wet and messy, wet & messy, whipped cream fetish, WAM, food porn, food play, sploshing, gunging, embarrassment, humiliation, humor, humour, foot fetish, feet, toe wiggling, wiggling toes, toe fetish, soles, wrinkled soles, wiggling feet, barefoot, car riding, riding in car, brunettes, #ToeFetish #WhippedCreamFetish #Soles #Humor #Comedy @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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