As Part Two starts Chloe and Axa are already covered in mess, and Chloe's boobs are already on display but it is about to get much naughtier. Chloe ups the ante by cutting off Axa's waitress outfit, leaving Axa in her gorgeous matching sky blue bra and panties. 'Do you want to see her tits?' she asks the other customers in the cafe, and when they cheer that they do, she releases Axa's boobs from the bra, to Axa's horror and embarrassment. Chloe even gives them a quick rub for good measure. She then sprays whipped cream onto Axa's boobs and rubs it in. Axa takes her revenge, grabbing a jug of creamed rice pudding, and pouring it over Chloe's breasts. She then pours rice pudding into Chloe's lovely new handbag. Chloe desperately tries to save her spare knickers, diary and lipstick but they are all ruined. Chloe retaliates..firstly by rubbing a handful of rice pudding down Axa's face, and then grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting off Axa's precious new bra and knickers. A precious new underwear set destroyed..just like that She then grabs a creamy pie and delivers a fantastic pie to the top of the head. Next she grabs some of the residue and splats it into Axa's pussy. Axa doesn't take this lying down and sets about Chloe's precious bridesmaid dress with the scissors. The beautiful expensive dress is cut to shreds, to Chloe's horror, and she is left with just her knickers protecting her modesty. Enraged Chloe grabs a tub of yoghurt and hurls it over Axa's body, and it splats down her boobs. She then smears it down Axa's face, boobs, bottom and even her pussy. Axa has had enough..she grabs Chloe and puts her across her knee, peels down her knickers and gives her a spanking. Then she upends a thick cream pie over Chloe's lovely bare bottom. She puts the messy empty pie case into Chloe's handbag, before rubbing the cold pie filling all over Chloe's bottom, including into her bottom crack. Naughty! Then as Axa is getting up, her lovely watch falls into the bucket of kitchen slops. Chloe encourages her to try and rescue it as it was such a nice watch. Axa gets her hands in and locates the watch in the nasty slops, but just as she does, Chloe pushes the back of Axa's head and..uh oh..Axa is face planted into the messy slops. Not just once..but 5 times by naughty Chloe, till Axa's face is totally covered. She does at least manage to retrieve the watch only to find it is ruined beyond repair. Waitress Axa says she'll move the slops bucket to the other room, and poor unsuspecting Chloe turns her back...splatt Axa throws it over Chloe. Axa then says that after dessert it's time for coffee..and she gets the jug of coffee and upends it over poor Chloe. Both girls are now totally destroyed and poor Chloe now has to retrieve her phone and ring the chief bridesmaid with the news that her expensive bridesmaids dress has been cut up and ruined, that she is naked and has been covered in food and won't make the wedding. Please note, Due to technical issues with my old camera, there are times when the focus isn't as sharp as it should be and things go blurry momentarily. However there are still loads of pin sharp HD moments..and I have knocked a quarter off the selling price to acknowledge this glitch Moreover the first customer who bought this wrote to me: "I didn't notice anything at all with the camera work, if you hadn't of (sic) said anything I would not have known, that's how little it affects the film. It really was great fun to watch, great acting on both girls parts" so don't let it put you off.
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