Penny and Sam are having a movie night but when Penny notices that he is wearing gray sweatpants, she warns him that the film she picked out has some pretty sexy scenes. She just wants to spare her friend the embarrassment of his boner tenting up the soft material. Sam gets offended that she thinks he would get hard so easily but Penny just tells him that everyone knows he has the cock control of a college virgin on Viagra. Sam wants to prove he has some dignity and his overconfidence makes Penny eager to see Sam make a fool of himself. They make a bet that if Sam can take a little cock teasing without a little bulge popping up in his pants then Penny will grant him one free sexual request. Of course, Penny is a lot more skilled at teasing little dicks than Sam is at resisting hot chicks. Before she is done, Penny makes Sam do something in his sweatpants that is way more humiliating than sporting a stiffy.
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