Wood is a lazy witch who came across a spell book with a summoning spell that allows you to summon a demon to do your bidding. This sounds like the perfect plan, since there's so many things she'd love for her own personal demon to do while she sits back and relaxes. After saying the incantation, Wood is surprised and disappointed to find that nothing is happening. Disappointed and exhausted after using up all her spirit energy to perform the ritual, she decides to just go to bed and try again in the morning. But in the morning, she's shocked to find her belly swollen up, tits inflated and heavy, and her body now nine months pregnant! She can't believe her eyes, but once she notices that a pentagram has been etched into her forehead she knows -- she wasn't summoning a demon to do her bidding, she's the one doing the demon's bidding! And now she is nine-months pregnant with what she can only assume is the anti-christ. She begins to panic, flipping through her book to find the reversal spell but with no luck. Even worse -- she's starting to go into labor! And it's surprisingly quick and aggressive -- and with horror she realizes that she's about to give birth but is certainly not dilated enough yet. She yells and screams, wondering how the baby is going to get out, until her belly starts to grow and grow until it bursts completely! This was a custom clip! Rapid impregnation transformation with a supernatural bent, breast expansion, magic, damsel in distress, and finally ending with a belly bursting birth complete with sound effects! Order your own custom clip today!
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