Revenge is dish best swallowed WHOLE! Sherry has had enough... She spent her hard earned money on a nice meal for her whole family from a nice mom and pop restaurant up the street. She has been going there for years and has never had any issues. But on sunday, soon after their special meal, they were all taking turns on the toilet. Not pretty. She was embarrassed, and everyone was sick. So today, she took it up with the usually pleasant Mr. Ortega who owns the place. He refused to even believe that he was the cause, and that she should leave before her slander scared away his GOOD customers. She refused to leave so he offered her a little discount on her next bill. A little discount? HA! she had a perfect idea on how to pay him back for that load of garbage! So she did what anyone would do... Shrink him down to a tiny little man with the help of her husband's experimental laser, and bring him home with her. And that is where this story begins... She yells into his puny face, holding him high off the ground nearly eye level to her. Mr Ortega trembles with fear as she gets more and more angry, sparing no details of the nasty food poisoning incident of the previous day. He claims he's sorry and it must have been a terrible mistake, but Sherry is beyond pissed and his excuses were NOT going to change how she felt. Offering her a LITTLE discount was just adding insult to injury, and this kind of asshole behavior is why he is where is is now... She taunts him with her giant breasts, punishing him between them, leaving him gasping for air! He begs for mercy and claims he won't tell a soul, and he's right! No one will ever know what happened to him today! It's like he just vanished into thin air! But of course, Sherry knows. And she likes it. Mr. Ortega's bitch ass cries and pleads for mercy but he has made a HUGE mistake in fucking with Sherry. She laughs and puts him into her mouth for just a bit, showing him where he would be spending the last moments of his life. But soon, she spits him out and begins to taunt him more about his pathetic life and how probably no one will miss him anyways... Nothing can change her mind and soon, Mr Ortega is back in her mouth being chewed up and swallowed down into her stomach. Sherry rubs her belly in appreciation of him being finally wiped off this planet for good. featuring Sherry Stunns
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