You wet the bed again and rushed off to work, leaving me to deal with the mess. It's not the bedwetting that upsets me, but it's just such a hassle to have to get up and wash the covers all the time. So, I found a solution- a special absorbent, plastic diaper. Don't make that face. You know this the only way. I don't mind taking care of you like this... it makes me feel in control and powerful. You need me. So take off those 'adult' clothes and lets get you settled into your new pamper! Doesn't it feel nice and cozy? Good. Now that you're all ready, I've got to tell you something. I won't be your girlfriend anymore. Sure, I'll take care of you. But you'll listen to Me and do as I say. Let's be honest- you never wanted a girlfriend to fuck or kiss. What you really NEED is a caretaker, someone to discipline you and change your nappy. So, while you stay at home with the sitter, I'll be going out on a hot date. I'll probably even wear some lingerie! I'll have sex with someone who knows how to please me and then come back and tuck you into bed. I think this change will really help our relationship.
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