I can't belive your parents called me at the LAST MINUTE to come watch you tonight. I had plans to go out and honestly there's no way I'm gonna let a snotty brat like you ruin them. I know that you have pictures of me that you shouldn't have and I know you have a crush on me! So you're going to do exactly as I say and I won't expose your habit of cumming in your pampers to your parents. I'm sure they'd be disappointed to know that their incontinent offspring is also a pervert. Follow my rules at this party were going to and I won't destroy your life. I'm not going to change your diaper in the middle of this party, so you better make your last stinky right now so I can change you into a clean one. Oh god.. That's really stinky. I'm gonna need gloves. Okay, now that we've got you out of this stinky one, let's get you into this nice clean one! We'll be matching with your green pamper! Now that we're all set, I think we're ready to go. No one will question the diaper because you're going as a little bb!
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