You're a detective who's been tracking down the world's most high profile, sexiest serial killer of billionaires. You burst into My apartment thinking you're going to arrest Me. But you're too drawn to Me, My power is too strong for you, and you find yourself obeying My every order. You can't believe how perfect I am. Now it makes sense that nobody has ever caught Me. I explain how every police officer, bounty hunter & detective who has stepped through My door ended up going missing. I own people in high places, and I can get away with ANYTHING. Your own boss, the chief of police worships Me, he knows I'll off him otherwise. You've missed your chance to arrest Me. And now you're going to be a pawn in My game. You do not resist Me, but instead you get on the floor and begin jerking for Me & licking My boots clean at My command. Not one man is strong enough to resist My Female power. You suck the heel of My boot, and then I reveal you've consumed some highly concentrated poison. I planned this to happen. You'll no longer be a problem very soon. I tease you with My glorious ass as you fade away.
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