WE ARE COCKSUCKERS WITHOUT SHIRTS!! WE GO DOOR TO DOOR.... WITHOUT SHIRTS... SUCKING-OFF STRANGERS... There is a new Chapter of The Jerky Girls Of America!! This industrious group of young Girls is called "Cocksuckers Without Shirts"!! We are young Girls, who go around door to door....without shirts....Sucking-Off Strangers!! Today, Audrey shows up at this old dude's house....introduces Herself....and asks if he will make a donation, if She will Suck him Off! The guy is a bit confused...and asks Audrey if they are raising money for a particular charity....but Audrey explains that they are just Hot Girls who like to go Shopping!! The guy hands Audrey a very generous donation of $400....and Audrey Sucks him off until he cums all over Her!! YAY!!! Cocksuckers Without Shirts Rule!!!
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