This is a custom order video. No names are used so everyone can join the fantasy. To commission your own custom clip, use the contact info on my studio homepage. The Order: Tl;dr: I am a cursed cam model who is transformed into a she-devil with expanding boobs. Soon my curse makes me hungry for your soul, which I will take through the cam while you are distracted by my huge breasts! You are a Lacy Luck! (Well, you are going to role yourself as yourself). You are wearing a pink tank-top and wear a normal bra, without push-up and without extra pads. You are relaxing at home, reading new emails. You are with make-up and listening some music, so relaxed, reading and singing sometime. Then an email took your attention. A weird email about a weird custom sent by Quim from Spain... You can read it out loud: "This custom will change your life, Lacy. Since you are reading this email you are going to be cursed. You can't do anything. Just try to enjoy this new life. You have no return. Love, Quim." "What a weird email!" you say a bit worried. But you don't believe anything that you read and say "bah... sure is some spam..." and continue relaxed. Then say: "well, it's time to make a cam-show, let's go!". And begin to prepare yourself. Change shoot to a front view. Then your boobs grow. You can make a shoot of your tank-top being a bit tighter pulling it from behind. Put a push-up bra with extra pads. I suppose that more boobs are going to be showing with all that. You don't notice the growth and begin the show. Someone is connected: "Hi!!" you say. The other person is mouth open. He just unexpected your "new" rack. You say: "hey, what happen? Just say hi!! I'm up-here!" and you look down to your boobs. You are surprised! OMG! They're huge!! How is it possible?? You touch them but looking to the cam try to conceal it... "well,... emm... I just... well... " and then a fang grow longer (only one for this time). We're going to grow one fang and later the other one. You don't notice it. But you see yourself at the cam... and see something in your mouth. You touch the fang and hide it with one hand. "Oh God!" you say: "I have to go for a minute... wait a ***ent, please!" and turn off the show. "This can't be happening... this is unreal... I'm just dreaming..." you say nervously. And then the other fang grows, "Oh! Sure that email from Quim has something to be in all that is happening to me..." and you go to your computer to look for the email while you grow a devil tail. You sit in a chair and say "ouch!" something is weird in your back. "A tail??? you must be kidding me...". You are looking for in your inbox... but you can't find the email. Is not in any other folder. While you continue looking for the email desperately, grow horns. "Is not there!! The email disappeared!!" you are scared, "What am I going to do?? I can't go anywhere with a tail and with fangs!!" Then you begin to feel starving with pains in your stomach. "Argh..." put your hands on your stomach and fall on your knees. You begin to feel hot too... (If you want you can put more extra pads in your bra to make it more epic). You are soooo starving... then you say: "I... I... I need a soul..." and surprised putting your hands in your mouth say "what I said?? Is impossible??? Souls??... but... sounds good... and tasty...". Stand up. Your face has a new look... you are looking sexily and dangerously at same time... you can't control yourself... you need a soul and you know where to find it... Put the cam-show on again. "Ow... you still there..." say sexily. You want his soul. While showing your cleavage at cam say "look at me... look at me... and stay quiet..." he's yours. Begin to move your tongue around the fangs... and put your mouth at first shoot in the cam. Say: "your soul is mine..." and begin to suck inside like you are eating his soul". Fade in. Fade out. You're arriving to your computer again, touching your stomach like you eat something tasty. "Hmmm... was good..." and then... you notice something weird. Look your hand. (We're going to make like you are going to grow, so act like you are feeling this...) If you wear any ring you can make like it is stuck on your finger and you can't pull it off. Look quickly your feet, around you... and say... "seems souls make me grow..." and looking at cam say: "and it like me... so... watch out... maybe next one to be mine is you... " make a bite and laugh out loud while you say: "Bigger! Bigger!" End.
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