From Dirty Bird Pictures "Ringleader": Brian (Kasey from ActiveDuty.com) goes to the ring and is escorted by Crash (Cole from ActiveDuty.com). He watches a wrestling match in progress between King B (Brock from ActiveDuty.com) and Reed (Reese from ActiveDuty.com) and a gambler is betting on Reed. As the men wrestle, it becomes apparent to Brian that they are trying to strip each other nude. He asks Crash about this, who informs him that in King B’s Neo-Sumerian wrestling, the loser is the first man stripped nude, or to yell “uncle.” King B finally bests Reed and the gambler throws down his money and leaves. Brian goes with Crash to sign up, while Reed stays and tries to take his money and leave. King B reminds him of their deal, but Reed doesn’t want to go through with it. King B won’t take “no” for an answer, and tackles him down on the mat before shoving his cock down his throat. King B fucks Reed good and hard before taking the money, including Reed’s cut, and leaving him lying on the mat.
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