Hey y'all! So as a Plexstorm Brand Ambassador I am required to try out some games sometimes, and this month's event was the fun and goofy vrXcity! This is a game where you can play cinematographer and film some hawt scenes... and also fuck around and put the camera right inside the people's faces lololol. Not much schmexiness on my part goes on in these, so have fun watching a nice smidge of what the gameplay portions of Blyss Steele's the Show entails! Ignore the in-game freebies banner-- I don't have one for this game and that was the game I played afterwards lol This is Part 1 of 3! Don't forget to follow me on Plexstorm to catch me live playing gaaaaames! They're not all silly and porn-y like this. In fact, this is the only porny game I have played so far :P plexstorm.com/stream/blysssteele
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