With Star Nine! It's time. What once seemed like an endless series of appeals have reached their final denial. You sit before the executioner, bound to a chair. You waste your last words with more excuses. You've been charged with being wasteful. Contributing exactly nothing to society. Perhaps your cock hardens in your pants as the latex clad executioner reminds you of the charges. She is all business. You can't tell if she is teasing or taunting you when she places her heel on the edge of your seat, bending her leg inside the tall latex boot, offering a peak up her tight shiny skirt. There are no words to get you out of this, no amount of begging can stop this execution. Finally you are alone. The door slams shut. She's suggested that you spend these last moments manifesting rebirth as a noble dung beetle, but all you can see is her image burned on your retinas as the gas hisses into the room. Send your custom video request to star at starbondmedia dot com Includes executrix, latex, boots, gloves #SensualDomination #GloveFetish #FetishClothing #Prison #VerbalHardcoreHumiliation
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