*CUSTOM* asking for a raise: your wear a blouse and jeans and underneath my favourite white strapless bra. you also wear your glasses. you've come to ask your boss for a raise since youve worked so hard this past year. I say that it will be difficult as the company needs to cut budget. You try to persuade me. You say that you can offer something in return and that nobody needs to find out. you giggle. you remove your blouse and you ask me if I like what I see. You emphasize how nice and big your boobs are. You bounce your boobs. You mention their size and that they have gotten bigger. You demonstrate this by modelling some small, tight bras that youve brought with you by coincidence. you bounce and shake your boobs. you remove those bras whilst turned away from me so thus teasing me. you then remove the bras and stand topless in front of me. you bounce and shake your boobs. you say that I can play with them and do this whenever I feel like doing this. you massage your boobs and you give them a little slap and you pull your nipples. we go further and you say that a you have nice shaven pussy you pull down your jeans and slip and you show me your pussy. You say that I can do whatever I want with your body but in return I have to give the raise I leave the rest to your imagination :)
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