I said this many times and I will keep on saying it over an over again: good behavior always attracts rewards from my end and bad behavior will get you punishments! As a cuckold for me, you've been used to take pictures and make videos of my sexy times with real men, which you did an awesome job at! Today is an important day, since it's also your 6 months pussy-free anniversary and 6 months since you've been locked up in your little cage! I think that calls for a celebration, and you definitely deserve to receive a special present for being this well-behaved! I don't want to spoil the surprise by telling you in advance what you will get, but I'm gonna let you guess :) oh, and I can tell you for sure that it also involves you being cage-free for a little while! A while in which you will be treated to something special...something really yummy! Any guesses?
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