It’s Easter and I’m spending time in my apartment. I’m wearing a yellow t-shirt, a knee length pair of yellow socks, an adorable pair of bunny ears, and I’m snugly fastened into something appropriately named for this time of the year…a gorgeous BunnyHopps :) I’m having a very relaxing and low key Easter, taking time for myself and just enjoying being in something plastic and crinkly :) As I sit on the wooden floor of my living room, I show you the sparkly Bunny ornament that I have bought for the occasion, and with my legs spread nice and wide as I’m talking, you get a great view of my padded crotch :) I strike some cheeky poses so that you get to admire my BunnyHopps from different angles, and I’m delighted to note that all the squirming around I’m doing is starting to trigger my bladder :D I get onto all fours, and without waiting any longer, I allow a strong warm stream to spill out into my plastic! I can feel it filling up and expanding, and when my tingling bladder is finally satisfied, I bounce my BunnyHopps up and down rythmically in order to make it squelch :D I give my crotch a cheeky rub, and then I pose some more, savouring the soggy sensations coming from within. It goes to prove that low key celebrations can be every bit as fun…and wet ;)
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