I saw you out with a woman who was not my daughter and I gave you the benefit of the doubt that she was a work associate. My gut tells me she had nothing to do with your work and that you are cheating on my little girl. When you married my daughter you married into our family and we are known for keeping everything very tight knit. My daughter doesn't know I asked you to come here today to talk with me and it's going to stay that way. You are here to understand that should you ever have roaming eyes again then you just bring them right to me. I am saying I will take care of any needs of yours so you will remain faithful to this family and my daughter. For instance, you are going to get your wandering dick taken care of by me while you are here, today. I can't send you away without giving you a full demonstration of just how I plan to cease your wandering ways. I know you think I'm a sexy mother in law. Word gets around you know. Lie down and let me show you how good of a deal you got by marrying my daughter. Starring: Austin Taylor
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