ORDER: we are at a party, we are laying down on the couch and you walk over to us and sit down on are face. We tell you to get off and you say "Oh sorry i didn't see you there". Then fake attempt to get up, but say you're stuck and can't get up. Still struggle pretending you want to get up. Then say "Uh Oh, i feel something coming" then say "I'm sorry but i don't think you're gonna like what's about to happen, you may wanna hold your breath". Then let out a massive fart. From then on just start farting on are face, pretend like you're sorry and you are trying to get up, but you just can't. Continue to fart on are face. Pretend to be sympathetic towards us, but keep making comments about how disgusting and Smelly your farts are and how bad you feel for us. Just come up with whenever sexy Dialogue you want. After about 5 minute of that, tell us maybe breathing in through are mouth might be better. We then start breathing in through are mouth. Start farting and make comments about farting into are mouth, saying things like they must taste disgusting and i can't believe your eating my farts. Say whatever sexy mouth farting Dialogue you can come up with. But while you're doing it make it more obvious your farting on us on purpose. We accuse you of not wanting to get up and that you're doing all this on purpose. But you only respond with farts, saying "i can't hear you over all these farts in your mouth". Maybe start laughing at us and start talking about the huge farts you're Ripping on us. Like i said at this point make it obvious your purposely farting on us and not actually wanting to get up. After about 5 minutes of that. Finally get up and say you're not stuck anymore more. But when you look down on us you realize we lay with eyes closed. Make comments like you can't believe your farts knocked us out and that you're farts must have been real disgusting to knock someone out. After that say something like well since he's knocked out, I guess he won't mind if i finish getting this gas out, sit back down on are face and Continue to fart on us not moving out for like another 1 or 2 minutes, you can say whatever you what here.
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