Buddah has been head CEO for many years. She stepped on a lot of people to take her position at the top and is a total bitch to work for. Everyone is beneath her and nobody is better than her. She is a legend inter own mind. You are being interviewed for a position and it is not working in your favor. Buddah has no qualms about showing her female power and explains that you are basically a total moron and you will NOT be getting the job. You really want her to think that you are successful and explain that you have developed some type of "app" that can alter behavior making women into an obedient robot of sorts. Rendering her unable to make her own independent thought and decisions. Buddah laughs and thinks you are a total moron. You finally convince her to take a look at your phone and now you have total control. Buddah is transformed from an arrogant woman to a controlled robot. Doing everything that comes to YOUR mind... and we All know what's on a mans mind, don't we?
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