Indica Flower lives in a dystopian world where only one percent of all females have survived the BLACKOUT. Woman are now considered property of the sate and they have no legal rights. Indica is fighting back though, she has led a rebellion with a few other female prisoners and they have managed to escape the "Facility". They all split up to ensure their safety and Indica is the first one to reach the rally point. She's gonna wait there for another day, then she's heading to Asheville, where there's supposed to be safe haven for woman. Unfortunately, one of the guards manged to catch up to her, he was going to take her back to the "Facitly" but she made him with sex and he naturally couldn't resist. I mean who could blame him he hadn't had sex with a real woman ever. She takes his virginity then she takes control. Indica manages to take back the power and she puts the guard out of his misery and destroys him. Indica then leaves a note for the other girls and heads into the woods. Hopefully she'll make it to the promise land.
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