What good is having a huge, throbbing clit if you don’t use it, right? Well, I suppose I can think of a few reasons... Mainly, to be seen and noticed and expose me as a fucking total slut; but also as a permanent attachment above my fuckhole pussy: a symbol of what I really am, to be recognized and add to my humiliation and embarrassment. I hope and dream, I long for those situations — and I know they’re coming very, very soon. Those are great reasons, absolutely, but this clit... your clit, must be used! In this video, you’ll see me excitedly using your big slutmaking clit, just like the total fucking whore that I am. First, I take the time to vacuum pump your clit, expanding and inflating it to further enhance the enlargement that YOU dictate I continue. Once this giant clit is hard and throbbing, I step this slut session up a notch by applying some repurposed nipple-clamps to torment your giant clit properly. Applying the relentless pressure from the clamps to torment your already swollen and engorged clitoris really sets me off! The pain is intense, but the thought that I am doing this for you makes it even more erotic. It’s not just bearable, it’s incredibly pleasurable to sacrifice a bit for your enjoyment. As I start to stimulate this massive clit under such intense conditions, something clicks deeply inside of me, and I explode in a hard-contracting orgasm. The speed with which I orgasmed was shocking, and so was the fact that afterwards I only wanted to hurt your big fucking clit even more! As I did, I ramped-up to another even bigger orgasm before exploding again in pure pleasure, your big clit throbbing as this slut cunt throbbed uncontrollably. I tormented YOUR slut clit for YOU, and it brought me even more pleasure than I’d expected! I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed doing it, my love.
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