With Dakota Charms! Bending over, I'm cramping and start farting. My hands alternate between holding my bloated belly and my squeezed ass cheeks to keep everything inside. I really have to go and it's embarrassing to be out of control of my body. In frustration, I bounce up and down, which doesn't help! I can't get in the bathroom and am not sure how much longer I can hold my bowels. Oh no, I had a smelly accident and am so embarrassed! OTHER KEYWORDS- farting, fart fetish, desperation, female desperation, bloated bellies, toilet fetish, toilet humiliation, struggling, embarrassment, booty shorts, short shorts, brunettes, all natural, non-nude #Desperation #ToiletFetish #Humiliation #Farting #ToiletHumiliation @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX@gmail.com
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