Custom: (No name used) Sandi is putting the last touches of her clown makeup on. Only wearing panties. Bouncing her beautiful breast around with excitement. SANDI "Today is the day of the bakes sale!!! I can't wait to enter my delicious pies." Sandi, puts on her apron and starts making her pies. She mixes them in a bowl and puts the cream on plates. Being sexy and goofy as she can doing it. SANDI " I'm going to win this year I can feel it." Sandi shows of her master pieces. Multiple colorful pies. SANDI " I wonder how I did?" Sandi get a worried look on her face as the judge spits it out. SANDI "What's wrong? You don't like my pies? Hand it here let me see what's wrong with it." Sandi grabs the pie and smells it, and has a funny look on her face. SANDI "Oh, I see. I must of got the shaving cream mixed up with the whipped cream. Please let me make it up to you!!! Do you like sexy clowns?" Sandi pulls the apron in-between her big tits. SANDI "How do you like that? Sandi try's to be sexy, but she's a clown and fails to entertain the judge. SANDI "You're not entertained? Let me change it up for you." Sandi grabs a pie. SANDI "You know what I'm going to do with this? Sandi pies herself in the face, a nice big splat. SANDI "A pie in the face, that's what." Sandi starts to tell some jokes, does some slapstick comedy and smashes the rest of the pies. Scoops up the mess from the pies and continues to pie herself. SANDI "Hope you liked the show!" Sandi blows a kiss to the camera
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