Did you think we had finished? Well, no, a good slave must know that he has to demonstrate his devotion constantly, so open your mouth and chew my nails, you should always eat all my junk, because they are a delicacy. I already told you that you have to learn to paint my nails, my delicious feet, and you must practice, although for the moment, watch as I do. If you were here, I would support my feet in your face, for my comfort, it is one of your obligations. Do you like my nails painted with that bright red? Yes, I know you are fascinated, as you have been a good boy and you have looked attentively, I give you my permission, so that you touch the cock, masturbate! I order you to do it, thinking about the smell between my fingers, and that your tongue lick them slowly, like the worm you are, hahaha
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