ITALIAN LANGUAGE / VIDEO IN LINGUA ITALIANA (ITA - ITALIANO) Baby, I have a cigar today! Today will be the first time for me with a cigar.. are you ready? I light it and.. let's go! Look at how I smoke it slowly.. the smoke inside me and then in the air.. God, it's so strong! But I like it, mmmh, I love it! -- Tesoro.. guarda cos'ho qui con me.. un sigaro! Oggi sara' la prima volta per me che provero' a fumarne uno.. sei pronto? Oh, lo accendo e.. iniziamo! Guarda come lo fumo lentamente per te.. aspiro e poi butto fuori.. Dio, e' cosi' forte! Pero' mi piace.. mmmh, adoro sentire il fumo in bocca! -- Info, requests and more.. contact me! You can see my email address on the top of the page (if you can't see it, click on 'Show all clips' and then you can see it on the top of the page).
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