your annual physical exam has gotten moved to an online appointment due to COVID-19. Dr Azure is your doctor today, a curvy redhead who appears a bit disheveled. She asks if you have any specific concerns, and of course you're worried about what all this stress is doing to your immune system during the health crisis. Dr Azure tells you some stress management techniques. She recommends getting as much joy, as much pleasure as possible to stimulate serotonin and dopamine to boost your immune system. There's one particular pleasure technique Dr Azure strongly orders you to partake in. Prostate stimulation. She's got just the medical aids to help you, she takes out several butt plugs. She advises you on which of the set to use first. She tells you the bigger the object you stick in your ass, the further you make that ass gape the bigger the boost to your immune system. Once you get through the butt plugs, you'll start with a series of dilator dildos that go up and up in size and girth. Each one will stimulate your prostate more and more. Dr Azure wants the best for your health & She can see you are excited at these orders. It's natural and healthy to enjoy this, to enjoy following your Doctor's orders by gaping your ass. It's for your health!
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