Lay on couch with dirty white socks in sneakers. Fart then say, "Sorry I'm gassy. Want to sniff my socks?" Kick off shoes. Fart. "oh damn my feet stink. Ewww corn chips." fart. Itch feet with hands. Rub belly and fart again. "You like my sweaty socks." Itch feet again. I might be getting athletes foot again. I hate catching athletes foot so easily. (fart and jump up holding butt) Uh oh. I got to dump." Run to toilet. Sit on toilet and unleash. "Oh my belly." Fart some more. "Oh damn, I got the squirts." Cross leg over to itch socked toes. "My feet are soo sweaty and fucking itchy. Oh hey. (fart) You still want my (fart) feet." Hold socked feet up to camera to sniff while farting. "Sorry I got the squirts." Itch between toes. "So itchy. Why do you like my feet? (fart) even with this itchy athletes foot? (fart) Oh my belly hurts. Take off socks. Hold barefeet up to camera, "sniff my feet. (fart) dont mind that just sniff my feet. I think I got athletes foot so yeah. stinky feet. (itch feet) itchy too." Keep farting away.
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