: scene: her rich brother and his recently died and their son, my nephew, has inherited all of their fortune. With no where else to stay, he moved in with me. But within the first week i notice my pantyhose i wear to the office keep disappearing. You’ve noted before how your nephew can’t concentrate around you when you get back from work, his eyes constantly drawn to my legs in the tights You wear to work. i decide that my no-good nephew needs to go. But there’s nowhere for him to go to, and that inheritance... when i get back from work i hatch my plan. Wearing your typical secretary outfit with a short tight pencil skirt and sheer black pantyhose, i walk in on my nephew masturbating with a pair of my nylons. He immediately tries to cover himself but i seduce him, telling him it’s ok. You tell him you know how he’s obsessed with pantyhose and that he shouldn’t be ashamed. Really i plan to end the poor guy and collect the inheritance, but i lead him on beckoning him to come smell my tights while they’re on you instead of stealing them. As he leans in to smell my crotch you wrap my thighs around his neck. Instead of fear, he’s turned on even more. You transition to a reverse scissorhold, stroking his penis at the same time. He cums in seconds of me touching it. i shush him and assure him it’ll be ok as you transition into a front scissorhold and then after a long squeeze i tell him the truth before breaking his neck.
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